We hope these tips may be helpful both to the curious visitor or someone seeking a new parish home. The best advice that we can offer to you is please don't be afraid. If you desire a prayerful liturgy then come and see!
Reverence in Church. Some have described a deliberate reverence here. It is very typical for all to bless themselves with holy water and to genuflect to the tabernacle coming and going. There is a peaceful silence in the Church as all prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Mass.
A Welcoming Friendliness. After Mass many parishioners move to the vestibule for joyful and friendly conversation. New members and visitors of the parish, have found that everyone was welcoming and helpful.
What to wear during Mass? On Sundays you will notice that people seem to dress up a little. And while the range of attire makes it clear there's no dress code, the level of modesty is noticeable.
How to follow along during the Mass? Each pew back has a missal helpful to the beginner. These present the whole Mass. If your first time might be challenging, but don't worry, just follow everyone else in standing or sitting, etc. The Roman Catholic Mass is universal throughout the world with only the language changing in different countries.
Receiving communion: Baptized Catholics may receive the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ himself, Our Lord and Savior, truly present with us in the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Eucharist is offered under one species, the host, which the priest places on your tongue or in your hand while you are kneeling at a communion rail. Those who have difficulty kneeling are welcome to remain standing.
Receiving a blessing: Get in line with those receiving communion and cross your arms over your chest. Present yourself to the priest when it is your turn and he will give you a blessing by making the Sign of the Cross over you.
Confession frequently available: Tuesday 7:45-9:00pm, Friday 3:00-4:00pm, Saturday 3:30-4:15pm or by appointment. Confession is a gift, a means of grace, and a way back to God. Parishioners are encouraged to participate frequently. Confession will be similar to how you have experienced it elsewhere. An examination of conscience and confession guide is available next to the confessional.
The Last Supper and the Crucifixion on Calvary are real historical events which are re-presented for us in the Mass. The Mass is also a foretaste of the eternal and perfect heavenly liturgy. Come experience the meeting of heaven on earth. Come and see!

Newcomers are invited to stop by the office (located inside the church door) to:
register as parishioners,
meet with Father Jonas about sacramental needs,
research opportunities to serve through the many ministries,
find out about fun events and activities,
sign up for religious education,
check out reading materials from the library,
if not already Catholic, find out how to join the faith community.